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TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Thomas a Gara Archeologist Review

Thomas a Gara


member of 

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors EAA

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors WAC
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors  SAA

Thomas a Gara


member of 

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Whaka Honeheke Review

Whaka Honeheke

Treasure hunter & Author of a book

TreasureHunter3D detectors have made treasure hunting much easier. They are very light and portable, easy to use since they connect to your smartphone, and comes at an affordable price.

Treasure Hunting in the Philippines

Whaka Honeheke

Treasure hunter & Author of a book

Treasure Hunting in the Philippines

TreasureHunter3D detectors have made treasure hunting much easier. They are very light and portable, easy to use since they connect to your smartphone, and comes at an affordable price.

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors

The Right Device for Every Treasure Hunter


Visualise Your Treasure

Treasure detectors are the most advanced 3D ground scanning devices on the market that display scan results on smartphones in real time.


Our light, portable, and camouflaged detectors

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TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Findings
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors





A Metal Detector that can be

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Classic VLF metal detector with AR object visualization

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AR Visualisation

Designed by elite engineers, for professional


TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Findings
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Visualisation

Gold Hunting

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AR Visualisation

Designed by elite engineers, for professional


TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Findings
TreasureHunter Visualise Your Treasure Phone
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Argumented Reality
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Basic Scan
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Depth
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Visualistation


3D ground scan for object visualization

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Depth

Reach 35m/114ft Underground

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Visualisation

With our 3D Visualisation

See what's underground

Take your Treasure Hunting to the Next Level!

Small and portable

Know how deep is the object located

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Depth
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Visualisation


3D ground scan for object visualization

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors AR Visualisation

Know how deep is the object located

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Depth

Visualise Your Treasure

Determine position, size, type and depth of an object in the ground

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors

Reach 35m/114ft Underground

Right Device for Every Treasure Hunter.

Choose Your Device.


Treasurehunter3D GoldenEye+

For EUR €4,299


Treasurehunter3D GoldenEye

For EUR €3,299


Treasurehunter3D Treasurehunter

For EUR €2,399


TreasureHunter3D TreasureLight

For EUR €1,799


3D ground scan for object visualization


3D ground scan

for object visualization

Real Time AR View Mode

Depth Indicator

Detection Depth



3D ground scan for object visualization

Real Time AR View Mode


Depth Indicator

Detection Depth



3D ground scan

for object visualization


3D ground scan for object visualization

Real Time AR View Mode


Depth Indicator

Detection Depth



3D ground scan

for object visualization


3D ground scan for object visualization

Real Time AR View Mode


Depth Indicator

Detection Depth



3D ground scan

for object visualization

Visualisation & Performance

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors AR Visualisation

Realtime visualisation


Treasurehunter3D GoldenEye+

For EUR €4,299

TreasureHunter3D Proffesional Scan


3D ground scan for object visualization


Better Scan Resolution

Treasurehunter3D Detection Depth goldenEye+

Detection Depth


TreasureHunter3D AR Mode GoldenEye+

Real Time AR View Mode

TreasureHunter3D Sensativity



Treasurehunter3D Dimensions GoldenEye+


70 - 150 cm

Available for

Treasurehunter3D Available for iOS TreasureHunter


TreasureHunter3D Available for Android Treasurehunter


Treasurehunter3D Depth GoldenEye+

Depth Indicator

Treasurehunter3D Discovers GoldenEye+


Metallic/Non Metallic



TreasureHunter3D GoldenEye

For EUR €3,299

Treasurehunter3D Advanced Scan Mode


3D ground scan for object visualization


Better Scan Resolution

TreasureHunter3D Detection Depth GoldenEye

Detection Depth



Real Time AR View Mode

Treasurehunter3D SensitivityGoldeEye



TreasureHunter3D Dimension GoldenEye


60 - 140 cm

Available for

Treasurehunter3D App Store GoldenEye


Treasurehunter3d Android GoldenEye


TreasureHunter3D Depth indicatior GoldenEye

Depth Indicator

TreasureHunter3D Detects GoldenEye


Metallic/Non Metallic



TreasureHunter3D TreasureHunter Metal Detector

For EUR €2,399

TreasureHunter3D Scan Mode


3D ground scan for object visualization


Better Scan Resolution

Treasurehunter3D Detection Depth Treasurehunter

Detection Depth



Real Time AR View Mode

TreasureHunter3D Sensitivty TreasureHunter



TreasureHunter3D Dimension TreasureHunter


60 - 140 cm

Available for

Treasurehunter3D Available for iOS TreasureHunter


TreasureHunter3D Available for Android Treasurehunter


Treasurehunter3D Depth indicatior TreasureHunter

Depth Indicator

Treasurehunter3D Discovers TreasureHunter


Metallic/Non Metallic



TreasureHunter3D Treasurelight Metal Detector

For EUR €1,799

Treasurehunter3d Scan Mode


3D ground scan for object visualization


Better Scan Resolution

TreasureHunter3D Detection Depth TreasureLight

Detection Depth



Real Time AR View Mode

Treasurehunter3D Sensitivity TreasureLight



TreasureHunter3D Dimensions TreasureLight


60 cm

Available for

TreasureHunter3D Available for iOS TreasureLight


Treasurehunter3D Available for Android Treasureight


Treasurehunter3D Depth Indicator TreasureLight

Depth Indicator

TreasureHunter3D Discovers TreasureLight


Metallic/Non Metallic


TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors Archeologist

For Archaeologists

New Treasure Hunting Experience

Archaeologists benefit from using Treasure detectors as these devices can aid in the identification and location of buried artifacts and valuable historical treasures, allowing for more efficient and targeted excavation efforts.

TreasureHunter3D Visualisation GoldenEye+


3D ground scan for object visualization


3D ground scan

for object visualization

Treasurehunter3D AR View Mode GoldenEye+

Real Time AR View Mode

Treasurehunter3D Depth Indicator GoldenEye+

Depth Indicator

Treasurehunter3D Depth Detection GoldenEye+

Detection Depth


TreasureHunter3D Visualisation GoldenEye


3D ground scan for object visualization

Real Time AR View Mode


Treasurehunter3D Depth Indicator GoldenEye

Depth Indicator

Treasurehunter3D Depth Detection GoldenEye

Detection Depth



3D ground scan

for object visualization

TreasureHunter3D Visualisation TreasureHunter


3D ground scan for object visualization

Real Time AR View Mode


Treasurehunter3D Depth Indicator Treasurehunter

Depth Indicator

Treasurehunter3D Depth Detection Treasurehunter

Detection Depth



3D ground scan

for object visualization

TreasureHunter3D Visualisation TreasureLight


3D ground scan for object visualization

Real Time AR View Mode


Treasurehunter3D Depth Indicator TreasureLight

Depth Indicator

Treasurehunter3D Depth Detection TreasureLight

Detection Depth



3D ground scan

for object visualization


For Treasure Hunters

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors for TreasureHunters

Treasure hunters benefit from using treasure detectors as these devices enhance their ability to locate hidden treasures and valuable artifacts, increasing their chances of successful discoveries and potentially uncovering valuable historical and monetary rewards

Treasurehunter3D Sensativity GoldenEye+



Treasurehunter3D Discovers GoldenEye+


Metallic/Non Metallic


Treasurehunter3D Battery GoldenEye+

Up to 8hrs of battery life

Treasurehunter3D Dimension GoldenEye+


70 - 150 cm

Treasurehunter3D Weight GoldenEye+



Treasurehunter3D Sensativity GoldenEye



Treasurehunter3D Discovers GoldenEye


Metallic/Non Metallic


Treasurehunter3D Battery GoldenEye

Up to 8hrs of battery life

Treasurehunter3D Dimension GoldenEye


60 - 140 cm

Treasurehunter3D Weight GoldenEye



Treasurehunter3D Sensativity Treasurehunter



Treasurehunter3D Discovers Treasurehunter


Metallic/Non Metallic


Treasurehunter3D Battery Treasurehunter

Up to 8hrs of battery life

Treasurehunter3D Dimension Treasurehunter


60 - 140 cm

Treasurehunter3D Weight Treasurehunter



Treasurehunter3D Sensativity TreasureLight



Treasurehunter3D Discovers TreasureLight


Metallic/Non Metallic


Treasurehunter3D Battery TreasureLight

Up to 8hrs of battery life

Treasurehunter3D Dimension TreasureLight


60 cm

Treasurehunter3D Weight TreasureLight



Basic Information

For Hobbyists

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors for Hobbyists

For hobbyist treasure hunters, Treasure detectors are perfect as they offer a wide range of products with varying capabilities, allowing enthusiasts to choose the ideal device that suits their specific preferences and detecting needs, ensuring an enjoyable and rewarding metal detecting experience

Discover metallic and non-metalic objects

Treasurehunter3D App GoldenEye

Free Application + Lifetime Updates

Available for

Treasurehunter3D Available for Android GoldenEye
Treasurehunter3D Available for iOS GoldenEye



Treasurehunter3D App Treasurehunter

Free Application + Lifetime Updates

Available for

Treasurehunter3D Available for Android Treasurehunter
Treasurehunter3D Available for iOS TreasureHunter



Treasurehunter3D App TreasureLight

Free Application + Lifetime Updates

Available for

Treasurehunter3D Available for Android TreasureLight
Treasurehunter3D Available for iOS TreasureLight



Treasurehunter3D App GoldenEye

Free Application + Lifetime Updates

Available for

Treasurehunter3D Available for Android GoldenEye
Treasurehunter3D Available for iOS GoldenEye




For Beach Treasure Hunters

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors for Beach TreasureHunters

Treasure detectors greatly benefit beach treasure hunters by providing them with the ability to efficiently search large areas of sandy beaches and detect buried metallic items such as lost jewelry, coins, and valuable artifacts, increasing their chances of making exciting discoveries and uncovering hidden treasures washed up by the waves.

For Geologists and Miners

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors for Geologist and Miners

Geologists and miners would benefit from treasure detectors as these devices can aid in the identification and localization of mineral deposits, valuable ores, and precious metals, enabling more accurate prospecting and mining operations, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and potentially higher yields in their extraction efforts.

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Thomas a Gara Archeologist

Thomas a Gara


member of 

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors EAA

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors WAC
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors SAA
TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Whaka Honeheke Review

Whaka Honeheke

Treasure hunter & Author of a book

TreasureHunter3D detectors have made treasure hunting much easier. They are very light and portable, easy to use since they connect to your smartphone, and comes at an affordable price.

Treasure Hunting in the Philippines

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Alan Shirley Review

Alan Shirley

San Francisco, California

I bought this detector and I am happy it's serving the purpose, now I feel like I own the whole American underground Treasures at my own exploit...

Small investment for big opportunity

Happy Customers

What they're saying

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Export Data to PC

Export data to PC for further analysis and mapping

Whaka Honeheke

Treasure hunter & Author of a book

"Treasure Hunting in the Philippines"

TreasureHunter3D detectors have made treasure hunting much easier. They are very light and portable, easy to use since they connect to your smartphone, and comes at an affordable price.

Alan Shirley

San Francisco,

I bought this detector and I am happy it's serving the purpose, now I feel like I own the whole American underground Treasures at my own exploit...

"Small investment for big opportunity"

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Alan Shirley

San Francisco,

Scan with precision - 160x better resolution

What Metal Detector Is Right For Me?
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  • This is your Product section paragraph. It’s an ideal place to showcase the types of products available, and underline any important or unique features.

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TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Metal Detectors

The Right Device for Every Treasure Hunter


Visualise Your Treasure

From EUR €1,799

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Alan Shirley Review

Alan Shirley

San Francisco, California

I bought this detector and I am happy it's serving the purpose, now I feel like I own the whole American underground Treasures at my own exploit...

Small investment for big opportunity

Alan Shirley

San Francisco, California

Small investment for big opportunity

I bought this detector and I am happy it's serving the purpose, now I feel like I own the whole American underground Treasures at my own exploit...

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  • TreasureDetectors detect spatial variations in the Earth’s magnetic field, caused by anomalies in the ground structure. This technique is widely used to detect and map archaeological artifacts and features as well as in the mineral and oil exploration industries. This kind of survey are used in both terrestrial and marine applications.

  • 3D ground scan detectors are best in detecting ferromagnetic objects, but this is not a limitation. Due to high sensitivity and environmental situations where the gold or precious treasures are places, these metal detectors can be the best choice for professional treasure hunters.


    Disseminated gold, placer gold deposits, or natural gold and veins in consolidated soil can be easily detected by the detector since they are associated with mineralized zones that also contain magnetite or other magnetic minerals. Solid gold can be detected only if it is buried in soil that normally contains a small amount of magnetite or magnetic material or it is placed in a chest or other metallic box.


    Magnetic holes that are in most cases created by a man when digging a hole at any specific location on the Earth’s crust cause anomalies in the magnetic signatures that can be easily detected by 3d metal detector. Such holes often hide gold or other valuable objects.


    In other words, classic metal detectors are much better when the goal is to find a single coin buried up to 30 cm under that sand on the beach or discriminate between different metals, while 3D metal detectors perform better when users seek bigger treasures that can be buried way deeper and non-metallic objects (placer gold deposits, chests, caves, tunnels, caverns..) that cannot be found by classic metal detectors, but in many cases hide gold or other precious treasures.


    Treasure detectors determine object material and gold with the shape and color of a 3D ground scan. So we can determine if an object is ferromagnetic or not. If it's not it's a good chance of gold detection. For example, if the 3D ground scan is mostly positive RED or YELLOW color it's good indicator of non-ferromagnetic materials.


    If the object is not ferromagnetic (gold, silver, aluminum) positive signal with a small chair below the peak of the signal. It is a good indicator you have detect the Gold target.

  • Make sure you are connected to smartphone phones via Bluetooth to excess smart features like a 3D Ground scan. Check the detector battery and assemble the detector properly. When performing a scan make sure not to swing the device and keep it close to the ground. perform steady, slow, and vertical movements during scanning. For better scanning results balance the detector frequently before every scan. When the object is detected, scan the area from different sides and with different settings to narrow down the possibility of what the target is. When using depth function make sure to set correct setting about soil material.

  • Precious metals like gold and silver, ancient bronze objects, caves, tunnels, caverns, water sites, tombs, vases, graves, underground pipelines, oil wells, old wine cellars, world war findings.

  • In nature, diamonds are found in areas where there have been volcanic activity or erosion and where natural elements such as streams, rivers, or glaciers might have taken them. Prospectors follow the indicator trail back to gold or the volcanic pipe which may contain diamonds. Interestingly, some of the same indicator minerals for gold are also indicators for diamonds. Among the most common indicator minerals for diamonds are chromium garnets, glassy green olivine, black micro-ilmenite, and magnetite. Garnet and magnetite are also both good indicators for gold. So, if you find gold, there may be a diamond rock nearby. Also, pure crystals of garnet are valuable gemstones. Garnet varieties occur in shades of green, red, yellow, and orange. In other words, metal detectors will not directly detect gemstones, diamonds, and pearls, what a metal detector can do is to lead you to indicator minerals, that are present in places that hide all these precious treasures.

  • The maximum detection depth of the treasure detector is approximately 30m or 100ft. The detection depth depends on the ground material. Different soil materials have different mineralization so make sure to set settings correctly in-depth indication mode. The detection depth also depends on the target material and size. For example, bigger targets can be detected deeper than smaller targets. Iron objects can be detected deeper into the ground than aluminum objects.

  • Yes, a treasure detector can determine objects, material, size, shape, and depth. Object material is usual to determine with the shape of a scanned signal. For a ferromagnetic material like iron, the scan signal is going from the positive to a negative level, resolution in a nice sine sign. For non-ferromagnetic materials like gold, we see only a positive signal with a little dip on the peak. For non-metallic objects like a cave, scan results only in negative showing wave-like dent. Size and shape can be read, only in 3D ground scan mode where we can clearly see the object size depending on the scan area and shape because it's displayed on the smartphone. Depth is calculated with the depth function.

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Happy Customers

What they're saying

Thomas a Gara


member of 

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

Thomas a Gara


member of 

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Archeologist Thomas a Gara

Thomas a Gara


member of 

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

Alan Shirley

San Francisco, California

I bought this detector and I am happy it's serving the purpose, now I feel like I own the whole American underground Treasures at my own exploit...

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Alan Shirley Review

Small investment for big opportunity

Thomas a Gara


member of 

With TreasureHunter3D devices archeologists can easily determine if the excavation site has good possibilities and where may they lay! Similar product on the market are usually very expensive, bulky and don't provide so high resolution & scan sensitivity

Whaka Honeheke

Treasure hunter & Author of a book

TreasureHunter3D detectors have made treasure hunting much easier. They are very light and portable, easy to use since they connect to your smartphone, and comes at an affordable price.

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors Whaka Honeheke Review

Treasure Hunting in the Philippines


For USD $3,299


For USD $2,399


For USD $1,799

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors for Archeologist

New Treasure Hunting Experience

Archaeologists benefit from using Treasure detectors as these devices can aid in the identification and location of buried artifacts and valuable historical treasures, allowing for more efficient and targeted excavation efforts.

For Archaeologists

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors for TreasureHunters

Treasure hunters benefit from using treasure detectors as these devices enhance their ability to locate hidden treasures and valuable artifacts, increasing their chances of successful discoveries and potentially uncovering valuable historical and monetary rewards

For Treasure Hunters

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors for Hobbyist

For hobbyist treasure hunters, Treasure detectors are perfect as they offer a wide range of products with varying capabilities, allowing enthusiasts to choose the ideal device that suits their specific preferences and detecting needs, ensuring an enjoyable and rewarding metal detecting experience

For Hobbyists

TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors for Geologist and miners

Geologists and miners would benefit from treasure detectors as these devices can aid in the identification and localization of mineral deposits, valuable ores, and precious metals, enabling more accurate prospecting and mining operations, ultimately leading to increased efficiency and potentially higher yields in their extraction efforts.

For Geologists and Miners

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TreasureHunter3D TreasureDetectors for BeahTreasure Hunters

Treasure detectors greatly benefit beach treasure hunters by providing them with the ability to efficiently search large areas of sandy beaches and detect buried metallic items such as lost jewelry, coins, and valuable artifacts, increasing their chances of making exciting discoveries and uncovering hidden treasures washed up by the waves.

For Beach Treasure Hunters

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